ISSN: 2754-4745 | Open Access

Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Studies & Reports

Importance from the Postgraduate Upping in Financial Administration Subjects for Health Educational Managers

Author(s): Fé Fernández Hernández and Efraín Sánchez González


Background: The real available from economic resources determines the capacity from the Public Health and the Education to support their demanded services. In that way the postgraduate upping is very important and health educational managers continue needing a sufficient upping in financial management in rational terms across the taking decisions process since the Health Economy.
Objective: To describe the importance from the postgraduate upping in financial administration subjects for health educational managers.
Materials and methods: Were utilized the inductive – deductive and the comparative as theorical methods. As empiric method was utilized the bibliographic research.
Results: Health educational managers are taking economic decisions constantly. The postgraduate forming in results optimization terms´ across the taking decision process must provide to health educational managers the strategies and methodologies scientifically supported for the best management process.
Conclusions: Best use from the health educational institutions budget´s is a main necessity for respective managers. The role from the postgraduate education in this context is very important for the complementary upping for health educational managers.


The economic development is supported by the labor productivity as main cause of rich creation. This is because the single and social health conditions are determining the labor productivity as main reason [1].

The academic and educational development is close related with the production capacity across the labor productivity. Then, education and health are determining the labor productivity too [2]. The real available from economic resources determines the capacity from the Public Health and the Education to support their demanded services. Then, the single and social health condition and the education level are determined by the finances available [3].

In that way the postgraduate upping is very important. In general ways the pre grade formation from the universities of medical sciences in Cuba dont assume a strong position around the formation in Health Economy subjects. However, health educational managers continue needing a sufficient upping in financial management in rational terms across the taking decisions process since the Health Economy [4].


To describe the importance from the postgraduate upping in financial administration subjects for health educational managers.

Materials and methods

Were utilized the inductive - deductive and the comparative as theorical methods. As empiric method was utilized the bibliographic research


The fiscal resources supporting the Public Health and Education services are provided by taxes. The tributary capacity is limited. Then, the availability from fiscal resources for Public Health and Education too. This reason raise the importance to make an optimum use from fiscal income in these social sectors. Because of that health educational managers must know how optimize the financial resources from the fiscal incomes [5].

In fact, the social develop is close related with the individual financial administration by health educational managers. That’s a powerful reason raising the importance from the postgraduate upping in financial administration for health educational managers [6].

The efficient health educational budget management is agreeing to the best result from the institutional objectives. At same time these objectives must be agree to the general institutional strategy too [7].

Health educational managers must understand that health condition and educational levels are untouchable goods. These managers must raise the value from human capital forming in health universities to guarantee the human develop and thus contribute to up the labor productivity value. This process needs an efficient budget planning [8].

The budget planning from the health educational institutions must be a manager exercise of high responsibility because of the relation with present and future development. The actuation from health educational managers applying for an appropriate budget to superior levels must be active. These managers need defend their own institutional strategic with solid arguments since the financial management. For that these managers need a sufficient knowledge in this subject [9].

Much Cuban health educational manager havent a strong academic formation since the Economic Sciences and the postgraduate upping in financial management continue as main necessity. The postgraduate education is a powerful tool for a complementary academic formation. Thus, the existence of postgraduate course in financial management subjects would provide the necessaries abilities for a better management since a financial point of view [10].

The professional forming process is a priority subject for the university system. The postgraduate upping in financial management is a constant preoccupation from the Cuban health universities. This means that health universities need supply sufficient capacitating courses agree to the particular needs from the health educational managers [11].

Health educational managers must afford teaching and research activities and the manager at same time. This means that these managers need a sufficient and strong academic formation for a better adaptation to these conditions and make a good work as managers [12].

It is important to understand that Health Sciences and Economic Sciences must not be divorced. By a side the health condition is considered an untouchable good and by the other side the economy is main social determining for health. Nevertheless the economic culture from the health educational manager must be growing more over that [13].

Health educational manager dont become in economist if win obtaining the necessaries abilities for a better financial administration across the postgraduate upping. However, this particular capacitating supplies important tools for a better understanding and transformation of the social context around the health educational manager [14].

Health universities must guarantee the best options available in the postgraduate upping in financial management subjects. This need the continue betterment from upping programs in the postgraduate education. Include add all new knowledge around the researched subject for students and professor at same time with first priority for professors [15].

Health educational managers are taking economic decisions constantly. The postgraduate forming in results optimization terms across the taking decision process must provide to health educational managers the strategies and methodologies scientifically supported for the best use of time living and life in self [16].

Complete economic evaluations and decisions taking

The application of technicians and knowledge from the economic evaluations to the management context forming the human capital for the health context may focus the analysis in the solutions to practice problems from the health educational institutions. The complete economic evaluations are useful tools measuring the effect from manager decisions in the economic resources administration [17].

The manager administration must be agreed to a large knowledge on the basic science supporting the institution administered. This condition may possible to assume an appropriated strategic agree to the main institutional objectives. That’s why the health educational manager needs sufficient knowledge from Health, Education and Economic Sciences at same time for a good result from the management actuation [18].

In the health context the economic evaluation may be partials or complete. The partial economic evaluations supply important information applicable to the taking decision process and constitute the main support for the complete economic evaluations. Nevertheless, the complete economic evaluations may make a better valuation process to make easier the taking decision process [19].

The application of health economic evaluations may to standardize, to homologue and compare the results from possible applications of defined decisions in the management process. Thus is possible to rank the possible decisions agree to results from the complete economic evaluation applications making this process more flexible [20].

This process may be applied at same time in all economic evaluation forms. Thus is possible to evaluate the multi - feasibility from the taking decision process agree to a single objective[21].

If priority ranking for taking decisions is agree with all type of complete economic evaluations the decision is obvious. Nevertheless, the decision process in this context isnt automatically. Always is important to determine how much better should be assume an option front of other one. Frequently this ranking process isnt concluded at first time. This condition carries to several repetitions in ranking process until obtain the final result agree to each institutional objective [22].

Then, there is a manager ranking principle taking decisions contributing to optimize result from the taking decision process. The institutional strategic focuses the beginning point. Since this point it must ranking the main institutional objectives. Inside each objective is necessary to ranking the possible alternatives agree to the useful from the complete economic evaluations [23].

This ranking process may optimize the strategic financial planning process too forming the human capital for the Public Health. Each alternative included carries to some spend. Then, the whole spend from each alternative is equivalent to the needed amount for the analyzed objective. At same time, the whole spend from each institutional objective should be equivalent to the needed budget for the institution.

The ranking decision is a dynamic process. The inclusion of alternatives and objectives is determined by circumstances around the institutional general strategy. That’s why the sensibility analysis and the sceneries creation contribute perfecting the management in health educational institutions [24].

Also, the institutional strategy must not be static. Must be adapted to particular conditions agree to the main context. Each institutional strategic must be agree to some scenario modeled. Uncertainty carries to consider several scenarios at same time, each scenario to consider several institutional strategies, each institutional strategy to consider several institutional objectives, each institutional objective carries to consider several alternatives and each alternative must be evaluated using the complete economic evaluations. Thus the complete economic evaluations must assume a main role in the manager process from the health educational institutions for a better use of the economic resources from the institutional budget.


Best use from the health educational institutions budgets is a main necessity for respective managers. The role from the postgraduate education in this context is very important for the complementary upping for health educational managers.


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