ISSN: 2754-5016 | Open Access

Journal of Immunology Research & Reports

Energy Deficiency Causing Immunodeficiency and Formation of Warts in Fingers

Author(s): Huang WL


Introduction: Warts are lesions that occur in the skin and in the mucosa. According to Western medicine, warts are caused by human papillomavirus and can occur in any site.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to show that patients with warts have chakras’ energy centers in the lowest level of energy, meaning that the energy of the five internal massive organs responsible for the production of energy is compromised, leading to an immunodeficiency state.
Methods: through one case report of 16 years-old male patients with disseminate warts in both hands in all fingers near the nails for the last 5 years. He searched for another treatment using Chinese medicine and I did he chakras’ energy centers measurement through one crystal pendulum.
Results: All his chakras’ energy centers were in the lowest level of energy, (rated in one out of eight) with the exception of the seventh chakra that was normal (rated in eight). The treatment consisted in Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and replenishment of the chakras’ energy centers with highly diluted medications according to the theory created by me entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal based medications. The patient is doing acupuncture twice a week and using the medications and what he said was that the skin lesions were cured and disappeared completely after less than 4 weeks of treatment.
Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that patient with warts can have chakras’ energy centers deficient in energy, leading to a state of immunodeficiency and the treatment of this condition using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture and replenishing the chakras’ energy centers using highly diluted medications, according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine is of paramount importance to recover the immune deficient state, that is leading to the wart formation.


Warts are benign lesions that occur in the skin and mucosa caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The manifestations of these warts include common warts, deep palmoplantar warts, genital warts, flat warts, genital warts, focal epithelial hyperplasia. They can be transmitted by direct and indirect contact. According to Western medicine’s point of view, treatment is difficult and can revolve spontaneously within years and can be associated with malignancies when is occurring in immunocompromised patients and when it occurs in the genital area [1].


The purpose of this article is to show that patients with warts have chakras’ energy centers deficient in energy and the treatment of this energy deficient state (characterizing them as immunocompromised people and not immune competent people) is the main goal to achieve good result in this treatment, that should be focusing in strength the energy of the body that is low, and not just treating the symptoms, that are the warts itself.


Through one case report of 16 years-old-patient with warts in fingers for several years, it was orientating by the podologist of this patient to take out the lesions. But he usually has relapse of this warts formation that was causing stress in his life and he usually was using adhesive tapes in the fingers to cover the lesions that was appearing in all fingers, mainly in the border of the nails, as you can see in the Figure 1.


Figure 1: Wart Lesions on the Fingers of the Patient

He also went to the dermatologist doctor who said that this patient need to use another type of medication that the patient did not remember but the grandmother of the patient decided to try another type of treatment.The patient went to my clinic showing the lesions that grows mainly in the borders of the nails in all the fingers of the right and left hand, as you can see in the Figure1.This patient was having normal daily bowel movement, felling colder in the extremities, do not have abnormal sweeting during the day or night and have dry mouth and itchiness in the skin.I did the patient chakras’ energy centers measurement and what I found is that all the chakras’ energy centers of this patient were in the minimum level of energy in the Liver (first chakra), in the Kidney (second chakra), Heart ( third chakra), Lung ( fourth chakra), Spleen (fifth chakra), in the sixth chakra ( responsible for the memory and concentration) and only having energy in the spiritual chakra (that is responsible for the connections with God).

His treatment consisted in Chinese dietary counseling avoiding dairy products, Cold water, raw food and sweets (to avoid the Spleen-pancreas energy imbalances). The second group of foods that was orientate to avoid was the ingestion of fried foods, eggs, honey, chocolate, coconut, alcoholic beverages, melted cheese (to do not imbalance the Liver and Gallbladder meridian and prevent the formation of more internal Heat). The third group of foods that I orientate to avoid was the ingestion of coffee, soda and matte tea (to do not imbalance the Kidney energy meridian). I also did auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting to rebalance the Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood and taking out the Heat retention using mustard seeds applied by small adhesive tapes in the auricular points. The points used in this patient will be shown in the discussion section.To treat the energy deficient state of all internal five massive organs, I used the homeopathy medications, according to the theory created by me (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and also, crystal based medications. The medications will be shown in the discussion section and it was orientated to intake them for a period of one year or more.


The patient felt that all his warts were improving very much with the treatment done and in this photo, taken after 30 days of intensive acupuncture sessions twice a week, Chinese dietary counseling and replenishing the energy of the internal five massive organs, it was possible to see the complete resolution of the warts, without cutting them.


Figure 2: Results after 30 Days of Treatment


This article will be written according to Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce), father of medicine, that said that we need to consider other ancient medical traditions prior to the knowledge we have nowadays. For this reason, I will use his thoughts combining with the reasoning used by traditional Chinese medicine to explain what could be happening in this patients, in the energy point of view [2].

For this end, I usually use the metaphor of the tree, to explain the different viewpoints between Western and traditional Chinese medicine, to understand the different level of diagnosis and treatment that we need to achieve to have good results in the treatment of chronic warts formation [3].


Figure 1: Metaphor of the tree

In this Figure 1, I am showing the different viewpoints between Western and traditional Chinese medicine. This tree is symbolizing the human body. You can see that this tree has a trunk with several branches. Each branch is symbolizing one medical specialty and coming out of each branch, you can see many leaves. The leaf is representing one symptom and diseases treated by each medical specialty. In many article written by me (2020), I am showing the necessity of treating the root level and not just the symptoms of diseases [4]. In the case of warts formation in the fingers, they are in the leaf level the tree but the real cause of this formation is not in the leaf but in the root of the tree. The problem in the root of the tree is the cause of the formation of the majority of diseases and also, the influences of the external pathogenic factors that can enter inside the patient and can cause more energy imbalances. In this root, there are representation of two theories in traditional Chinese medicine that are Yin and Yang theory and Five Elements theory [5].


Figure 2: Yin and Yang Symbol

The Five Elements theory is described in the majority of the articles written by me and they represent all the things that exists in our universe, including the human body. This representation inside the body is: Metal element is represented by the Lung. Water element is represented by the Kidney. Wood element is represented by the Liver. Fire element is represented by the Heart and Earth element is represented by the Spleen, as you can see in the Figure 3 [2].


Figure 3: Five Elements Theory

Each element or organ is responsible for the production of each energy for maintenance of health. For example, Yin and Yang is produced by the Kidney (second chakra), Blood is produced by the Spleen (fifth chakra), and it is flowing inside the Blood vessels is controlled by the Heart (third chakra), and finally, the Qi is distributed by the Liver (first chakra) and also by the Lung (fourth chakra) [2]. In many articles written by me (2021), one of them entitled Are we vaccinating immune competent or immune compromised people for Covid-19?, I am demonstrating through one research that I did in my clinic in Brazil, measuring the energy of the chakras’ energy centers of thousand patients energy centers, I am showing that 90% of the patients do not have any energy inside the internal massive organs, meaning that these organs are not producing the energy that they are responsible for production (Yin ,Yang, Qi and Blood), meaning that they are immunedepressed and not immunocompetent, as the majority of the medical doctors seems to understand about the situation of the health of the majority of the population in the world [6].

This is a new approach to see how is the immune system of the patient, looking at the energy point of view and not just looking at the laboratorial alterations, because the patients can have energy alterations, but no alterations in the laboratorial exams, as I am demonstrating in many articles wrote by me, one of them (2020) entitled The Importance of the Treatment of Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Replacement for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer.

In this article, I am demonstrating the treatment of energy alterations and replenishment of the chakras’ energy centers of patients with cancer can treat the malignant cancer even without using any chemotherapy or radiotherapy or surgery, as I am showing through two cases reports and when the patients is using chemotherapy or radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer, it is very important to associate the treatment of the energy deficient state of the chakras’ energy centers, to prevent the formation of metastasis or to eliminate the metastasis when the use of chemotherapy in this cases, can reduce the size of the metastasis but can maintaining the formation of other metastasis in another part of the body. In this case, I am showing the importance to treat leaf level (treating the malignance tumor using the usual medications) but also, the treatment of the root level that is characterized by the weakness in the chakras’ energy centers, common in all patients with cancer that is still not treated in the treatment of patients with cancer. [7] In this case of formation of warts in this patients, warts are formed in immune depressed patients, but in the point of view of Western medicine physician, it is very difficult to understand how these patients could be immune deficient and not immune competent. [7] In this case, I am showing that the majority of the population in this world could be immunocompromised and not immunocompetent, because the cause of this energy deficient state is related to the exposition to the electromagnetic waves, that is affecting the whole population in the world, like a pollution between the earth and the sky, as said in the article (2021) Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection [8].

In the article recently published by me (2021) entitled Why Do Patients Still Have the Potential to Transmit COVID-19 Despite Receiving Vaccinations?, I am showing that the vaccines is not treating the immune deficient state but only inducing the formation of antibody to the part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but in this article, I am demonstrating that some other publications are saying that the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is usually occurring in immune depressed patients but the number of these patients are underestimated because they are not studying the energy alterations of the majority of our patients ( that were considered unscientific by Flexner, in 1910, when he did the alteration of the curriculum of all medical schools in the America, Canada and Europe, and sponsored by Rockfeller and Carnegier Foundation) [9].

As the alterations in the root of the tree are caused mainly by the errors in the eating habits, the first step of the treatment was to advice to do not eat some groups of foods with the intention to keep the balance state of Yin, Yang energy and the five internal massive organs in the Five Elements theory. All these explanations were well done in the article written by me (2019) entitled Why Are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic Medication and Insulin? [2] According to Hippocrates, make your food your medicine and your medicine your food [10].

The second step in this treatment were to balance the Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, using auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting (Figure 4) because of the importance of treating these energy alterations that are in the root of the tree, as I showed in the case of patient with leg pain and improved from his glaucoma condition when treating the energy alteration. I am emphasizing the importance of treating energy alterations in all medical treatments, in all kinds of infectious and noninfectious diseases nowadays, because the root of all formation of diseases is based on this energy alterations, before materializing in the leaf level of the tree [2].


Figure 4: Auricular Acupuncture Points Used In the Treatment of Warts

The third step in the treatment of this patient was to replenish the chakras’ energy centers using highly diluted medications such as homeopathy medications according to the theory created by me (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and using crystal-based medications, as you can see in the Table 1. It was also used homeopathy to treat the symptoms itself. In the case of warts, the medications used in this case was Thuja 6CH 5 globules three times per day associated with Medorrhinum 200CHXX-20. In this case, the disease was treated in the leaf level but also, it was associated the treatment in the root level. [2, 4, 11].

Table 1: Homeopathy and Crystal-Based Medications Used In the Replenishment of the Chakras’ Energy Centers and the Five Internal Massive Organs

Chakras Five Elements Homeopathy Medications Crystal-Based Medications
1º Chakra Wood/Liver Phosphorus Garnet
2º Chakra Water/Kidney Natrum Muriaticum Orange calcite
3º Chakra Fire/Heart Sulphur Rhodochrosite
4º Chakra Metal/Lung Silicea Emerald
5º Chakra Earth/Spleen Calcarea Carbonica Blue Quartz
6º Chakra Water/kidney Tone 2º chakra Sodalite
7º Chakra Wood/Liver Tone 1º chakra Tiger eye

The medications used in the treatment were only highly diluted medications, because of the new pattern of energy that the population in this world are suffering, due to the influences of the electromagnetic radiation. The choice of which type of medication I need to use was based on the Arndt Shultz Law, showed in the Figure 5. In this law, created in 1888 by two German researchers, they are saying that the use of highly concentrated medications can reduce the vital energy and this kind of medications is not very good for the new type of population that we are having nowadays, because they can decrease even more the energy of the population, that it was showed very low, as in the article entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection. The medications of choice to use in this new type of population is the highly diluted medications, as I demonstrated in the article (2021) Why is Homeopathy the Medication of Choice in the Treatment of All Kinds of Diseases Nowadays? [8, 12].


Figure 5: Arndt Schultz Law

To finalize this article, I want to say that all the tools used in the treatment of this patient (homeopathy and acupuncture) were considered medical specialty by the Brazilian Federal Medical Council since 1980 and 1995, respectively [13].


The conclusion of this study is that patients with warts have chakras’ energy centers deficient in energy that corresponds to the deficiency in energy in the five internal massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine. The treatment rebalancing the internal energy using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and replenishment of the chakras’ energy centers using homeopathy medications, according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine is the paramount importance nowadays, to treat in the deepest level what is occurring in all these patients that are considered immune deficient (and not immune competent), and not just treating the symptoms, cutting the wart in the leaf level of the tree.


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