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Journal of Medical & Clinical Nursing

Why does Scoliosis most Often Show an Associated Loss of Cervical Lordosis? One Possible Analysis

Author(s): Sergio Palandri *, Michela Mineccia MD

Introduction: Loss of cervical lordosis is a frequently detected finding in the analysis of the full-spine x-ray examination in the lateral view.

If this finding is not of particular importance from an orthopedic point of view, it is notable from a posturological one.

The aims of this work are to verify the possible correlation of some physical and patient variables with the loss of cervical lordosis and to hypothesize its possible origin.

Methods: 300 full-spine x-ray examinations were analyzed from 2013 to 2022, considering the CObb angle, the type of curve, the gender, the age and the presence/absence of loss of cervical lordosis.

The obtained data were then analyzed using a statistical method.


No type of association between the variables considered and the loss of cervical lordosis was found

Conclusion: The statistical analysis carried out demonstrates how the origin of the loss of cervical lordosis in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis must necessarily be sought outside of the physical and patient variables. One possibility could be an induced neurological response that causes contraction of the paravertebral muscles of the neck, but this hypothesis still needs to be demonstrated with targeted studies

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