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Journal of Medical & Clinical Nursing

The Study of the Correlation Relation Relationship of Morphofunctional Indicators Depending On the Sports Specialization of Highly Qualified Male Nd Female Submariners

Author(s): Redi Elena Vladimirovna*, Tolstopyatov Igor Anatolevich, Konopleva Elena Nikolaevna, Bortnikova Galina Nikolaevna

Goal. The study of the correlation relationship of morphofunctional indicators depending on the sports specialization of highly qualified male and female submariners. Materials and methods. Mathematical processing of the results was carried out on a personal computer using the programs Mikrosoft Word and Mikrosoft Excel. The study involved athletes specializing in various disciplines of underwater sports. Results. Using correlation analysis, based on the morphofunctional characteristics of submariners, it was established: - swimmers who specialize in swimming in fins at stayer distances have an athletic build, an above-average body length and a relatively small body weight, which allows them to effectively overcome the resistance of the water environment. - swimmers-submariners sprinters have high indicators of length and body weight, which allows them to perform high-level work of speed and power orientation.

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