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Journal of Economics & Management Research

Nuclear Fission or Fusion on Meeting Electricity Demand of Future Energy Source Economy and Policy

Author(s): Rahele Zadfathollah*, Ali Zamani Paydar, Seyed Kamal Mousavi Balgehshiri and Bahman Zohuri

The announcement of the United States Department of Energy (DOE) on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 was a monumental milestone in nuclear Fusion research, where a “net energy gain driven by Inertia Fusion Confinement (ICF)” eventually, after almost 40 years of scientific efforts achieved for the first time in history by scientists from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in California through its National Ignition Factify (NIF) program. For a long time since aftermath of “Manhattan Project”, scientists knew and had some clear concept of bringing sun energy to earth by means of “Fusion” process either via Magnetic Fusion Confinement (MFC)or ICF after their success of exploding their nuclear fission bomb through Nevada Test Site (NTS) via “Fission” process. Announcement of such an achievement by simply put it is one of the most impressive scientific feats of the 21st century as “Jennifer Granholm, secretary of U.S. Department of Energy said at a press conference. Such success puts production of electricity from nuclear energy of fusion puts it in different perspectives and it shows that researchers have been working on this for decades alongside of MCF and their efforts behind nuclear fission of Generation - IV (GEN-IV) reactors technology and manufacturing. In this short review paper, we describe all these issues of the differences between Fission and Fusion and each aspect of them being source of generating electricity to meet national and global demand for the source of it from nuclear point of view and not going to detail of renewable source of energy at this point

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